Keeping the spirits high and the community united! The following movements are examples of communities coming together to keep the positivity high with the message that everything will be okay and we are here to support each other. For teachers, parents and students, these ideas can inspire your community.
In Spain there is a movement called #frommywindow, where students are displaying their artwork in their windows at home. This way, when children take walks they are able to see the artwork of their neighbourhood friends and keep up the good spirit! The message behind the craft is everything will be okay.
Bear Hunt
New Zealand has declared a nationwide Bear Hunt, in order to combat loneliness and keep children occupied during the time of isolation. Inspiration behind the activity comes from the popular children's book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosenhildren.
The motto behind the book- We're not scared.
Across the country, children, young people and even the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, confirmed she too had placed a teddy in the front window of Premier House in Wellington. Credit goes out to Annelee Scott, the organiser behind the Bear Hunt in New Zealand.
See one example below! Where will we find the next bear?
Teddy bears ‘fish’ in Dunedin, New Zealand. Photograph: Jiavra Cohen
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MEGAPROFS is an inspiring solidarity project led by Manuel Pérez, that started with a group of 15 teachers in the city of Dos Hermanas in Seville to offer additional support to students in need. The project has been incredibly successful with increasing demands to participate from volunteer teachers and students alike.
To participate you can use WhatsApp: 660 124 865 or by email:
Decorating Houses
Children have let their creative spirits run wild by painting and decorating houses made by a local artisan that are then entered into a contest for a prize. This initiative was received from the Education and Sports Council of Junta de Andalucia.
Other examples include a no contact scavenger hunt in Chicago and balcony singing and dancing sessions held around the world like this dance party in Vancouver.