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17.4.2020 | Pukhraj Ranjan

Play, Create And Succeed In Quarantine With Arkki At Home Projects

In these times of severe restrictions, Arkki has tailored creative #arkkiathome hands-on projects to support curiosity, creativity and innovation @home. Adopted from the Arkki curriculum and designed by experts in Finland, find free resources to try at home!

In these times of severe restrictions, Arkki wants to do its part to inspire pupils’ lives by launching a selection of free creative Arkki@home online hands-on projects to support curiosity, creativity, and innovation. As children in the whole world are restricted to small spaces, it’s important to engage in creative activities and travel through your imagination. 

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein 

Arkki@home free creative online projects have been published in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese and Finnish languages! More to go, but a good start to choose from. Creativity, like happiness, is contagious, let´s pass it on! 

Everybody can now enjoy a taste of world-class creative education designed by experts in Finland projects at www.earkki.arkki.com

“Life is now the way it is. How we cope with it is what makes the difference. Creative action is ever more important in these tough times. Diving into inspiring hands-on challenges can take you anywhere in your imagination. The real power lies within ourselves and our power to create a better reality!” says Pihla Meskanen, Arkki International´s CEO.

Arkki Centers in all countries have reacted fast to the new requirements and limitations where parents stay at home and children are in homeschooling. So in addition to Arkki@home projects, Arkki Finland, Arkki Vietnam, and Arkki Thailand have shifted into online solutions to provide the families the possibility to continue developing children’s personal creativity and encouraging individual and collaborative learning at home. Arkki Centers provide innovative combinations of online classes and Arkki Tool Kit Boxes being sent to homes prior to online classes. 

“Arkki Toolkit + online sessions offer creative engagement for kids, as well as buy parents time to focus on their work while children enjoy the Arkki class at home..” says Gate Pichawadee CEO and founder of Arkki Thailand. 

 “Vietnamese parents are amazed by their kids’ creative capabilities! As this type of creative education does not exist in Vietnam, this is new to the parents. They are very surprised to learn how inspired their children are. Kids love to do Arkki projects, and they continue to work and experiment on their own after online class sessions, report the surprised parents. The kids start to explore their home for recycled building materials to use for their building projects, and even co-create with their parents” Says Dat Le Viet, from Arkki Vietnam.

“Thanks so much, the projects are lovely. We all miss Arkki, and these projects help” says, Chron Moya a father from Thailand.

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Find Arkki online solutions & video links below:

Arkki@home Free Projects

Arkki Online Courses in Vietnamese

Arkki Thailand available at LINE

Arkki Pop- up Home Videos

Arkki Future City Video from Vietnamese Parents

We thank our innovators like Arkki for offering support and resources in this time of need. For more articles, innovations & resources, head to our Educator Toolkit especially designed to support educators & parents during this COVID-19 outbreak.