I created this when I got my first soul-sucking corporate job, and discovered creative expression was what was missing. But it is scary to make something new and share it with the world, so I set about seeing how I could break down the self imposed constraints we have when expressing our creativity.
Through our web application, any learner on any device draw their answers to creative prompts, with each brush stroke revealed in real-time on one shared screen. Teachers can customize the constraints, students can be as creative as they want responding within the constraints, and every contribution comes together to form "The Big Picture" which generates a visual snapshot of the sentiment of the students.
All spread has been through word of mouth, primarily through events that we will do. People will experience Piccles here, and then create an account to use it with their own audience.
You can get started with your free account here: https://app.piccles.com/admin/register?locale=en
And set up a personalized demo, where I can walk you through the technology and different use cases with my meeting link here: https://meetings.hubspot.com/chris983