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Nokia and Supercell Announced as HundrED’s Global Main Partners

As HundrED’s main global partners, Nokia and Supercell will support exploring powerful educational practices from all over the world, and help them spread to schools and teachers everywhere.

Nokia and Supercell Announced as HundrED’s Global Main Partners

HundrED seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education worldwide. As HundrED’s main global partners, Nokia and Supercell will support exploring powerful educational practices from all over the world, and  help them spread to schools and teachers everywhere.

The first step for HundrED was to seek 100 powerful education innovations from Finland, and now the initiative has moved forward to find the next 100 global innovations. During the fall of 2017, HundrED and its partners will organize a world tour of ten events in five continents. This world tour is one way to introduce interesting education innovations to teachers, policymakers and educational visionaries.

All insights and best practises will be documented, packaged and shared with the world for free. 300 Finnish schools are already involved in HundrED, and the number is increasing.

'Wonderful things are happening in schools and classrooms all over the globe, and HundrED wants to shine a spotlight on them. We want to help these tested, working innovations spread. Nokia and Supercell as our global main partners play a significant role in making this happen,' says Saku Tuominen, HundrED’s Creative Director.

HundrED is a non-profit company initially started in Finland, but has now grown global to seek and share inspiring innovations in K12 education worldwide. HundrED aims not only to make good practices spread between teachers and schools, but also between countries.

HundrED’s main global partners are Nokia and Supercell. Finnish main partners are OP, DNA, Supercell and Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation. HundrED is also a part of Finland's 100th anniversary celebrations of 2017.