MEDIAGIRLS is a non-profit organization that boosts the self-worth of girls and young women by teaching them to critically analyze and reject sexist media messaging, know their true self worth, and harness the power of media for positive social change. In giving girls these tools, MEDIAGIRLS stands at the forefront of a girl-powered revolution to make over the media through challenging the status quo and creating empowering content for girls and young women everywhere.
MULTI-WEEK PROGRAM IN GREATER BOSTON SCHOOLS: MEDIAGIRLS provides 8- and 16-programming, once a week, in schools located mainly in underserved communities in Greater Boston, MA. We train female college volunteers to teach: Part 1, in which participants think critically about media’s influence on girls, define their self-worth, and create empowering content using social media. In Part 2, participants create, launch and promote a social-media campaign that empowers girls.
LICENSING 90-MINUTE WORKSHOP: In our 90-minute #REALMEDIAGIRL workshop, participants learn how social media influences girls’ well-being, and how to be critical consumers/users on apps like Instagram and Snapchat. Through our lesson plan and interactive activities, girls learn how to band together to make social media more empowering and positive for one another. After teaching this workshop to thousands of teens, MEDIAGIRLS is certifying educators this fall to license our curriculum to teach the workshop in their schools. Interested educators can sign up to license our curriculum in fall 2020.
-94% of our participants said that “based on the workshop, they believe girls have the power to work together to make social media more positive.”
-96% of our participants say “based on the workshop, they will change their own behavior” to make social media more positive and empowering and can site two specific ways they will do so.