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Learning Festivals

place India

Reviving the Spirit of Learning!

Over 1.2 million students are out of school in India. This staggering number speaks for itself that children are falling out of learning and are no longer feeling inspired within classrooms. The question we need to ask is not what children should learn rather how are they learning? The Learning Festivals responds to this problem and presents a way where we can revive the spirit of learning!


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May 2023
We hope that this innovation scales the idea of self-directed learning in communities and schools. A world where mainstream education transforms to many streams of education. We hope learners are encouraged to make hundreds of new mistakes in their process of creation and collaboration is preferred mode of working. Our hope is to create a world where all children realise their true best potential!

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In our 6 years experience working in tribal-rural areas of Rajasthan, we observed that children have fallen out of learning due to presence of rote learning methods, recall based learning & didactic approach used. The LFs aim to bring back the love for learning as it has become a task to be avoided when possible. We create spaces where children can experience inherent joy and purpose in learning.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Learning Festivals are a plug-and-play model that is implemented throughout an academic year in the schools. The traditional subject-wise classrooms are converted into ‘Learning Studios’ adopting mediums like Art, Theatre, Stitching, Music, etc. that adopt a hands-on approach taking learners from exposure to creation. Each student chooses one medium, create collaborative projects and present their learnings to the entire community. This model is child-centric, adopts democratic approach and creates a safe space for children to learn through observation, discovery, experimentation and presentation. As an organization we have currently implemented over 450+ festivals due to the demand by the schools & the community. We have demonstrated evidence in one of the schools that students’ attendance improved to 94% as compared to non LF days. On an average, 55% jump has been observed on our Life Skills Assessment Scale on skills of Self Expression, Self in Community & Self Awareness.

How has it been spreading?

Over the last two years, we have conducted 198 Learning Festivals across three states of India. It began with one state in the year 2017 and now has reached 4 states. Till date, we have touched 450+ festivals. The second achievement is the demand from the administration of Bihar state government to scale this initiative to more schools. Our goal is to integrate this within the state governments of Rajasthan & Bihar states and host thousand such festivals. Along with this, integrate this with policies such as Bagless Saturdays initiative by these states so that LF can be integrated as LF Clubs to transform education quality from mainstream education to many streams.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Concept note explains the why, what and how of the program. The Process map takes the reader through the journey of an LF. Assessment Framework booklet builds clarity on quantitative and qualitative aspects of analysing learners’ growth. Our reports also offer an insight into the learning and challenges experienced every year. Contact soumya@kshamtalaya.org who has been leading this since 2017.

Implementation steps

Ideation & Planning
1. Arriving at theme of the festivals 2. Creating a concept and scope note 3. Writing a budget that supports the implementation plan 4. Sharing the ideas with the Implementation Team and incorporating suggestions. 5. Creating the studio manuals 6. Creating the training manuals 7. Orientation of Studio Facilitators 8. Logistical planning to ensure smooth training of facilitators
1. Designing an inspiring space for the training 2. Setting up material corner for easy utilization and neat arrangement 3. Conduct the training program (a simulation of the studio manuals and entire LF process) 4. Reflection after end of every segment on the flow, the reason behind the flow and what were the learning objectives behind each activity conducted 5. Trainers de-brief : how can they improve for better tomorrow, appreciating small wins
Operational Planning
1. Implementation team share their learnings from the training and how did they feel 2. School introductions and charting out calendar of LFs to be held for the entire month 3. Creating studio samples, manual planning & practicing facilitation 4. Planning the data collection strategies and consolidation
LF Execution
1. Morning team meetings to revise the day's activities and write about what are they looking forward to. 2. Conducting the LF processes ( Singing the LF Anthem, Group agreements, Assigning Responsibilities) and studio manuals as planned 3. De-brief and consolidating the day with students 4. Team de-brief 5. Completing the day's data entry 6. Journaling and Planning for next day
1. Consolidation one LF's data and noticing the shifts in data and writing down one's reflections 2. Sharing the achievements that are data-driven with entire team 3. Creating creative ways to express about the glows and grows of the LF as a facilitator 4. Sharing their learnings with Block level/District level educational officials 5. Organizing a Consolidation of Learning Exhibition

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