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Using VR to learn languages.

ImmerseMe (https://immerseme.co/) is about virtually stepping into a beautiful and authentic location to learn a language, so that when you travel to these wonderful places in real-life, you'll be prepared! Choose from over 3,000 interactive scenarios across 9 languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek and Indonesian.

HundrED 2021


HundrED has selected this innovation to

HundrED 2021

HundrED 2020

Web presence






March 2019
If you can communicate then you can start to understand and empathise with other people, other traditions, other cultures, other ways of life.

About the innovation


ImmerseMe aims to be the world’s best academic language tool

  • Content is differentiated into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. 
  • Learners are progressed through 4 scaffolded learning modes: Pronunciation > Dictation > Translation > Immersion. 
  • Choose from over 3,000 interactive scenarios across 9 languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek and Indonesian. 
  • The layout of lessons can be tailored to match your scope and sequence/curriculum plan. 
  • Examples include: ordering a baguette in Paris, buying a bento box in Tokyo or trying tapas at a Spanish restaurant. 

ImmerseMe will prepare learners with the practical language skills they need to thrive as a global citizen.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

ImmerseMe provides a great way for language learning through direct immersion, without the need for traveling. Positive use of technology in language learning. It has demonstrated rapid growth in recent years with many accessible options to engage with the platform beyond virtual reality only.

HundrED Academy Reviews
I work with immigrants in the US and other countries, and I see how an innovation like this can offer an excellent opportunity for learners to practice and "feel" language.
High impact due to a large number of users and widely shown coverage in different media of its use in learning. High scalability due to the ease of adoption by teachers and schools.
- Academy member
Academy review results
High Impact
Low Scalability
High Impact
High Scalability
Low Impact
Low Scalability
Low Impact
High Scalability
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

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Send us your completed registration sheet
ImmerseMe has a strict Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to comply with GDPR Regulations. All data is encrypted and held securely.
Start your trial and watch your students' fluency improve!

Teachers can monitor progress through our interactive teacher dashboard, click here to access an example: https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/YKHDB7Q5NR2#/screens/293076202

Following a successful trial consider ImmerseMe subscription
Student pricing includes a 66% academic discount from US$120/yr pp to US$40/yr pp (teachers get a free login). Please contact your ImmerseMe Customer Manager on hello@immerseme.co for more information.

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