Pakistan's literacy rate stands at 60% & the gender gap is at 25%. 3m teachers are missing in schools with 23m kids out of school. Improvement of not only access to educational opportunities but also focus on improving learning outcomes is essential. Lack of sound pedagogical training & student engagement, absence of effective assessment, results in a high dropout rate & low student motivation.
The solution addresses the challenges of access, quality, and equity in Pakistan. Specifically, it addresses the issues of Problems: Unengaging content in classroom, no teacher training using technology in classrooms, deficiencies in teacher learning, poor quality of education, and lack of teacher and student engagement.
The vision of this approach was to train teachers to use engaging video content, lesson plans, simulations, and classroom activities to improve learning and teaching in school, and an intelligent tutoring system, as well as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to promote student and parental engagement outside the classroom. The combination of enhanced opportunities for learning in school and out of school will lead to improved learning outcomes of students in public schools nationwide. MIT-funded research suggested that the students who used our intervention had a 120% improvement in their scores. There have been other publications on Elearn (Link is mentioned later)
The should contact the Department of Education, and the IT wing of the Punjab Government, who have taken ownership of the program now and have scaled it up even further to 1,000 schools.