Amblema improves student performance by replicating a simple core curriculum of "Funtastic" activities. It promotes finding a Local Sponsor, Enlisting a School, Training Coordinators, Tutoring Teachers, Executing during School year and Measuring Results. Contrary to burdening teachers with extra clerical work, Amblema's innovation is its simplicity, almost too simple, with proven results.
Amblema focuses on three main areas: Environment, Reading and Mathematics.
Application is simple and with a streamlined system of tools and support.
The main objectives are to develop:
- An Environmental Awareness.
- Strong Reading and Writing skills.
- Solid logical-mathematical reasoning.
We accomplish this by involving a local sponsor (companies, businesses, farms or individuals) in an effective social investment. The sponsor provides the necessary resources to implement this socio-educational tool at a local school.
The methodology includes daily activities of teachers with their students. These are very simple activities, that do not modify what each teacher has programmed with their students.
ENVIRONMENT Every week there is an environmental or ecological education activity. In the first years we proposed activities related to environmental ephemeris. This last year we focused on one topic: making each school a "Chocolate Forest". Children and teachers who become experts in something so typical of Venezuela: Cocoa and chocolate.
READING The TAL Time (All to Read). 9 and a half minutes of daily reading throughout the school. Each teacher - with his or her creativity – encourages and strengthens the habit of reading.
MATHEMATICS The "Mathematical Moment": a fun daily and dynamic activity to master the multiplication tables. And, The "Mathematical Challenge": a logical-mathematical word problem, adapted by age group.
Key Performance Indicators (Assessments of Reading and Mathematics) At the beginning, middle and end of each school year, students are assessed on fluent reading (number of words read per minute), mastery of multiplication tables and logical-mathematical reasoning. These are repeated in the middle and end of the year to track the progress; after applying the suggested strategies .
ACHIEVEMENTS (From 2012 to 2018)