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Classroom in tune.

EDUAmbience transforms what learning sounds like. We are a functional, pedagogical background music service for professionals in education. We compose musical landscapes and relaxation excercises for varying pedagogical situations from pre-scools to universities (calm down, deep focus, activate, midfulness, role-play etc). Our service is wrapped around our EDUAmbience PRO player.


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Target group
April 2023
We want to really transform what classrooms sound like. We believe in the power of the right kind of music in supporting well-being and emotional safety. Through this we also wish to improve the learning conditions by diminishing distractions.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The sound conditions in learning environments are usually poor: uwanted noise and distractions cause anxiety, stress and bad learning conditions for everyone. Especially post-Covid the need for emotionally safety has stood out. We noticed that many teachers are already using music to affect their group but they lack the right tools and know-how to really make use of it.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our team's expertise in music, brain research and behavioral sciences led to the revelation that the right kind of music is an extremely powerful tool for managing student groups' feelings, energy and behavior in a constructive and meaningful way. Our 200+ teacher pilots show that using background music also helps get rid of unwanted, distracting noises.

We utilize the power of music, which we specifically compose for various pedagogical purposes, to transform classrooms into comfortable environments where both learning and working is a pleasure. We give teachers the keys to change what their classroom sounds like, by our intuitive browser-based player that guides the teacher and helps them make the best use of pedagogical music.
In addition, our catalog includes a growing set of spoken relaxation & mindfulness excercises that support the group's emotional skills even further.

How has it been spreading?

Our first pilot with 2 tunes in January 2021 was for 11 teachers. The results were so convincing that we grew our catalog by 20 tunes and excercises. In the spring of 2022 we did a 200 teacher pilot around Finland for 3 months. Over 85% of the teachers saw positive impact on their groups behavior and 96% thought, employer should offer teachers this kind of a pedagogical tool. This encouraged us to develop even further, so we took a bank loan for software development and production and we are launhing sales at the moment.
In 2023 we aim to cover 1,5% of the Finnish market, then head out to the new nordic markets in 2024 and in 2025 cover even more European markets.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

They can contact mikko@eduambience.com for a trial.

Implementation steps

Send an email to mikko@eduambience.com to get registering instructions. Follow the simple instructions to set up your 30-day free trial.
Log in
Log in with your fresh user account and start using the player. You can use the musical landscapes on the background of independent work, group work, exams, coming in from recess etc. You may also wish to try the relaxation exercises with your group (atm in finnish only)

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