The Masterpiece Tour

The Masterpiece Tour is our flagship program under which we travel between 6 days to 3 months to a different community/country to conduct back-to-back workshops with different institutions, and create a pool of extraordinary life lessons. Learnings from day 1 spill over to day 2 spill over to day 3 and so on, eventually creating a unique masterpiece.

Till now, we have completed four tours with different communities-

1. In 2014, we travelled to Punjab, India where we taught nearly 3500 students in seven schools across six cities and focused on building life skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, self-awareness and self-esteem.

2. For our second tour, we travelled to Nepal, post the devastating earthquake in 2015, to pass on the methodology of life lessons to the people of capital city of Kathmandu. During our 10-day stay in the country, we taught and worked with over 800 people. From survivors of human trafficking at Maiti to Nepal's top young leaders and government school students. The workshops were centered around the themes of inclusion and overcoming loss.

3. In the third edition, we traveled to Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France and Hungary to collect life lessons of people affected by recent migrant crisis - both refugees, and citizens of the countries that have provided asylum to them. We studied integration to create enabling communities. Through a daily social media reach and on-ground activities, we humanized refugee stories through their life lessons.

4. In 2018, we extended our  program to Tanzania, Africa in the month of September. Focusing on the theme of Gender Mainstreaming, we documented stories and wisdom of young girls and women in the region. Then, using our methodology of human wisdom, we took these life lessons to academic and non-academic institutions and organizations in Tanzania.

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