Kyte Learning /Microcredentials /Tutorials (Professional Learning)
How do we embed support for teachers to sharpen their skills with digital literacy?
Each Integration teacher is a Kyte Learning Administrator. This platform allows the integration teacher to monitor their lending libraries and empower educators to become masters at instructional technology tools. In addition to general trainings, that are offered as micro-credentials, educators are surveyed about their personal needs and technology in their classroom. From this data, integration teachers work with administrators in creating tutorials that are deployed through Google Classroom. Educators that have mastered a specific instructional technology are also encouraged to help in creating these tutorials.
Propel also offers an edtech day of professional development where teachers are given an opportunity to attend and schedule a wide variety of instructional technology presentations at the beginning of each school year.
Integration teachers and integration specialists provide hands-on trainings during these trainings. Members of the Google Edtech team, as well as, veteran educators offer sessions with solutions to specific tech goals. Each integration teacher is encouraged and offered an opportunity to attend our state-wide PETE&C conference, and are required to offer professional development upon returning from the conference. This is open to district-wide educators, and the upcoming integration teacher at Homestead has partnered with SWPAECT in sponsoring this event. This model allows opportunities for tech-minded educators to receive and offer Instructional Technology best practices.