K-4 Collaboration (21st Century Skills/Team Building)

How do we provide students opportunities to engage in collaboration and team building with 21st century skills?

Throughout the integration model at Propel Schools, collaboration is encouraged. Strategic design of lessons is catered to encourage communication. For example, our integration teachers often have students working in teams of 2-3 with one device. Although, there are times where every student may be finishing a task in a 1:1 scenario, students are given sentence starters, verbal cues, and models on how to give each other feedback and direction in their coding and digital literacy assignments. 

Students are versed in cross platform communication. This includes collaboration through the Apple Classroom notes application and Google Classroom platforms. Integration teachers work with classroom teachers to facilitate work and cross-curicular collaboration where live documents allow for teamwork and feedback from teacher to teacher, teacher to student, student to teacher, and student to student.