Connecting to the Future of Work through Strategic Planning

As described in The Future of Learning: Education in the Era of Partners in Code authored by Knowledgworks, we are entering a new era of work fueled by advances in artificial intelligence and the decline of full-time employees. Combining new technologies with cultural, economic and institutional shifts means that we must ensure that education systems support the knowledge, skills, dispositions and experiences that our students need to be successful in the changing global economy.

The district, led by superintendent Dr. Ken Lockette, is utilizing a carefully designed three-phased, multi-tiered approach to the development of the comprehensive plan. The initial phase of the planning process involved a carefully orchestrated retreat specifically designed to analyze and evaluate core beliefs of the organization, as well as take a look at the future of work and innovation in the region. Redefining Readiness has been the foundational centerpiece for this work.

This strategic planning work session was utilized to develop a vision of the portrait of a graduate. The entire leadership team participated and became engaged in numerous design and problem-solving activities.

The second phase of the plan involved gathering data from all stakeholder groups. This data informed the direction the district has decided to move in with our needs analysis and action plan. 

The third phase involved three stakeholder meetings with a broad group. These meetings introduced the group to one another, outlining the process, and framing the conversation on the future of our graduates. We began crafting the mission, vision, and guiding principles of the organization in the first session. In the second session, we identified the overall objectives of the district based on the data and needs identified. The third meeting included identifying action planning steps for making progress towards our goals and identifying the best practices for teaching and learning associated with those goals.

Over the next few years the district will be aligning curriculum and organizational strategies to create an educational system that prepares our students with core skills and practices to navigate and thrive in the future of work in their career, and in life.

For more information regarding the frameworks outlined by district leadership on the future of work click on the following links:
