Organic Vegetable Garden

In 2016, an organic vegetable garden was started at Auberle. Pictured here are the broccoli sprouts from the 2017 garden. Youth are taught gardening skills and help with planting, maintenance, and harvesting. On site, we also have a greenhouse to grow the seedlings. We will continue growing vegetables this year and working with the youth in the garden space.

Gardens are a great way to incorporate a vast array of skills: science, math, nutrition, reading, art, and more. Soft skills are also taught through working together to plan and maintain the garden, patience when things do not go as planned, and communication to learn from others what works well and what does not. Students are able to also gain a sense of confidence when they see the vegetables growing and they are able to produce food from their hard work. For many, the garden can also provide a therapeutic space by spending time outdoors and tending to the plants.