Celebrate and Promote Youth Media - Teen Media Awards


The Labs @ CLP elevate youth voice and provide a platform to share and collaborate year round! Through Labs Workshops, badging pathways and the Summer Skills Intensives the opportunity to create, promote and share their work is available across our 18 locations. 

Each year the Library hosts our Teen Media Awards, a celebration of teen created art, media and writing. Submissions to the contests within the categories that reflect learning pathways provided in the Teenspaces which include: Photography; Film; 2D Art; 3D Art; Fashion Design; Invention and Music. All original content from rising 5th graders to graduating 12th graders is accepted and reviewed by a professional panel of judges. Past contest submissions have been reviewed by staff from: The Warhol Museum; Schell Games; Society for Contemporary Craft and a host of other high profile artists in the respective fields. 

Teens can submit their work created anywhere, and that includes art made using the resources available in our Teenspaces through The Labs. You can record your track in a professional recording studio in two of our spaces, film your movie using a camera borrowed from the Library or practicing on a guitar in the Teenspace.

The Intensives are a great opportunity for teens to perfect their Teen Media Awards submissions with consultation from peers and working artists. Winning entries receive monetary compensation and the opportunity to grace the cover of our yearly anthology of teen writing through the Ralph Munn awards. Promotional materials for the next year's contest use winner's art and the teen creator receives professional pieces to include in their portfolio. The Teen Media Awards happen annually at the Library and are just one way we are sharing and promoting the amazing work from teen participants in the Labs Summer Skills Intensives.