Saturday Art Class x SEL Lab Training

As part of our Train-the-Trainer model that focuses on sensitizing educators in the space of Social-Emotional Learning and art, we host monthly trainings for educators focusing on various topics and themes in the realm of SEL and well-being.

In November 2021, we conducted a training session for our Teach For India educators based on the theme of Emotional Awareness.

The training was beautifully and interactively led by Anokhi Parikh (Co-founder of The SEL Lab) and Anum Mulla (A Writer, Editor, and Empathy and Compassion Skill Cultivation Facilitator) wherein our fellows learned about the principles of Mental States and Emotions further equipping themselves on how they can take back the theme within the classroom to cater to students emotions on a daily basis!

Saturday Art Class x The SEL Lab x Anum Mulla