Meet the Future Rising Fellows

We are thrilled to announce the inaugural cohort of the Future Rising Fellows, a virtual fellowship for young activists working on environmental justice storytelling with a focus on women and girls. Representing 10 countries around the world, these Fellows are innovators, storytellers, artists, and truth seekers. Their work highlights the many ways that girls and women are disproportionately affected by climate change, as well as the incredible ways that girls are leading inventive and courageous initiatives on climate and environmental justice in communities all over the world.

During the next six months, each Fellow will create a piece of narrative work (short film, photo essay, long article, podcast etc.) about gender and environmental justice in their community. Through their storytelling, we will create a diverse and multi-layered body of knowledge about how the drivers and impacts of climate change intersect with girls’ education and gender equity. We will also highlight the inventive and courageous ways that girls are tackling the effects of climate change in vulnerable communities worldwide. The growing community of Future Rising Fellows, and the rich collage of stories they create, will provide invaluable data from which we can draw new insights about how to build a more sustainable and equitable future.