The problem:
In the Chiloé archipelago, two types of native forest converge: North Patagonian and Valdivian. In the last decade, 10,000 hectares have been lost. The deforestation of the forest results in: less water availability, soil erosion and a lower capacity to capture carbon that goes into the atmosphere.
The idea:
To transmit through a story, generated by local authors, the importance of caring for and preserving the native forest of Chiloé, inviting them to become guardians of this natural treasure.
The solution:
Generate 3,500 donations of the printed book to be delivered to public school children at the 5th and 6th grade levels. In this way, raise awareness about the importance of protecting species of flora - coigüe, tepu and cypress of the Guaitecas, vines, fungi, shrubs, mosses and lichens - and the habitat of endemic animals such as Darwin's frog, the mountain monkey and the chilote fox.
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