Proyecto Rapanui, rescate lengua original #DonaUnLibro

Este proyecto tiene por objetivo la donación de 600 ejemplares del libro El guerrero y la estrella para niños habitantes de Rapanui entre 4 y 8 años.


Proyecto Rapanui, rescate lengua original #DonaUnLibro

The problem:

Around 7,000 languages ​​are spoken in the world, of which 95% are indigenous languages. 40% of them are at risk of disappearing. Currently only 10.9% of the children who inhabit Rapa Nui understand their original language.

The idea:

Create, in conjunction with local organisations, a story so that the children of Rapa Nui can read in their original language and support the pronunciation aspects with the audiobook version of the story.

The solution:

Generate 2,000 donations - printed and audiobook versions - that cover 100% of the students of the four existing schools on the island and all the teachers, who will be provided with a guide with pedagogical resources to work at the different school levels.

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