Learning Forward India Academy 2020


Joy Of Learning (JOL)

The future of education will be built on immutable values alone: Appreciation, Caring, Co-operation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

Joy Of Learning (JOL) explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools. This program will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. It will also help people to take stock of their values and how they wish to lead their life. 

Diversity Inclusion Belonging @School (DIBs)

The teachers collaborate for Reading, wRiting and Research, and make presentations based on their real-life learning. This is a proven method for helping achieve better student learning outcomes. The eleven sessions are online and you will see a paradigm shift in your staff teams as they experience eLearning at its best.

Based on the book Wanted Backbencher Lastranker Teacher by Kavita Ghosh: The Sessions: 1 Conventional Vs Contemporary School Management; 2 War Vs Peace in Class; 3 Love Learning Vs Hate Learning; 4 Affection Vs Rejection; 5 Like Vs Unlike; 6 Right Vs Wrong; 7 To Copy Or Not To Copy; 8 Fear Vs Courage; 9 Heart Vs Mind; 10 Smiles And Frowns; and 11 Tom Vs Jerry

Better Learning Outcomes 

The Program will help teachers use Edtech for enhancing student learning. The book 'Evidence Of Practice - Adam Geller, will help you adapt video-powered professional learning and prepare you to be a future-ready teach

Maybe you are already considering using videos of teaching in your professional development plans but feel overwhelmed by how to begin, worried about the limited time you and your teachers have to devote to figuring out a new system. Maybe video coaching already plays a role in developing your teachers, but you suspect it could be more effective. Maybe you’re somewhere in between. Wherever you are, this playbook will help you make and implement a plan for how to best use video-powered professional learning with your teachers. If you’re just getting started, our learning program will help you get up and running quickly and successfully, providing insight into techniques that can be used to deepen the learning teachers get from video-based professional learning. It will also expand your thinking about the types of strategies that can be used with a video platform and the opportunities they afford you and your teachers. But first, it’s important to have a clear sense of the goals in mind.

Video-Powered Professional Learning Strategies: Strategy 1 Classroom Tour Strategy; 2 Self-Interview Strategy; 3 Example Analysis Strategy; 4 Pre-Teach Strategy; 5 Video Observation Self-Reflection Partner-Supported Reflection; Strategy 6 Skill Building Sequence Strategy; 7 Video Learning Community Strategy; 8 Virtual Walk-Through Strategy; 9 Video Rounds Strategy; 10 Longer-Range Reflection Strategy; 11 Iterative Investigation Strategy; 12 Online Lesson Study.