The Learning Forward India Academy took the COVID19 Lockdown as an opportunity, we ramped up our Professional Learning Programs to help the teachers with social and emotional support, familiarize them with the use of Edtech and built customised solutions for our partner schools for blended learning.
Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens by Julie Duckworth and Ian Gilbert, explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools.
This program will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. It will also help people to take stock of their values and how they wish to lead their life. On successful completion, the individuals receive a certificate of participation.
Joy Of Learning (11 Sessions) The teachers collaborate and work in groups to explore the 22 values and discover how the values help in the personal and social development of an individual. The values come alive at their school and enhance learning at the classroom level.
#HappyTeachers - find out what our Teachers have to say, as they worked 24x7 and took their learning forward.