Making Learning Stick - in All Subjects & Languages

When we launched our Tagtiv8 Word platform, it was to help teachers make learning in English more active, relevant and fun. Why? The test-driven culture of the UK education system meant that many children were living on a sole diet of Mathematics and English. The latter subject was not necessarily about creating a love of reading - it was more about simply teaching Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Cue the dreaded SPaG tests!

However, once schools started playing the games, teachers soon began to realise that students could use the letters on the tags to deepen learning in other subjects, whether it be:

Then a breakthrough, whilst working and playing with a school in Helsinki. Naively, we assumed the children spoke Finnish. It was only when we arrived that we realised it was a Swedish speaking school. There's always time to pivot - and the outcomes were amazing.

Not only are schools now in a position to use tags for other subjects, they can also use them to develop their understanding of languages other than English.

To find out more, click here and here and here.