The meaning of Reading Grandmas and Grandpas program for its volunteers

The Reading Grandmas and Grandpas program has been developed in two projects at the Niilo Mäki Institute: Supporting Reading Fluency (years 2012-2014) and Reading and Linguistic Skills (years 2015-2017). Both projects included research and several theses were carried out. According to previous studies, volunteering has many positive impacts on life. Being involved in volunteering increases seniors’ feelings of self-efficacy and purposefulness. As volunteering is literally voluntary based, everyone may choose what kind of activity they are willing to participate in, building on one’s own interests. In other words, volunteering allows one to feel fulfilled in a pleasing way.

There have been positive research findings made on the meaning of the Reading Grandmas and Grandpas program for its volunteers. For instance, the friendships made in the project and the time spent with the children are perceived to increase the volunteers’ well-being. Peer group meetings give an excellent chance for networking, sharing experiences, and spending time together with the other volunteers. Reading Grandmas and Grandpas form a group, which is rewarding to belong to. However, working with children is one of the biggest reasons for one to take part in the program. Many volunteers tell that the children are the reason the program is so pleasing and interesting in the first place. Working as a Reading Grandma or Grandpa allows different generations to interact and the volunteers to work as supportive and present adults for the children taking part in the program.

Besides experiencing a community and feeling joy for being with children, volunteering is stated to be a pleasant activity and to bring a nice rhythm to one’s everyday life. According to the volunteers, being part of the program has increased their well-being by higher engagement and activity as well as feeling they are doing something with a purpose. The work as a Reading Grandma or Grandpa is described as a valuable and beneficial task, which is rewarding and relatively easy for the volunteer, and benefits others significantly. The volunteers are also more satisfied about themselves when they feel they are able to help. The program is also perceived as beneficial for the Finnish society. Besides, the Reading Grandmas and Grandpas get to know how schooling is today and children’s everyday life when taking part in the program.


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